OUR classes

Learn Eastern Medicine with LiLi.

Through exclusive video lessons, LiLi founder Dr. Lily Yeh will teach you how to take your postpartum health into your own hands. Explore how Eastern Medicine supports recovery after childbirth.


Who is this class for?

Acupuncturists and herbalists will learn how to practically apply TCM concepts to postpartum healthcare. PDA certification is available for those who pass an assessment after completing the class.

TCM Practitioners

Birthing parents and others interested in their own postnatal health will walk away with ideas about how to care for themselves long-term.

Wellness Enthusiasts


Unit 1

Students will gain a basic understanding of Confinement in Eastern Medicine. Practitioners can begin developing a practical approach to treating postpartum patients at home.

1. Lily’s Personal Story

  • Meet Lily
  • Uterine Prolapse

2. Binding

  • What is Binding?
  • Abdominal Binding vs. Hip Binding
  • Binding for Organ Prolapse Prevention
  • Reshaping the Body with Relaxin
  • Patient Results

3. History of Eastern & Folk Medicine

  • What is Sitting the Month / Zuo Ye Zi (坐月子)?
  • Treating the Body with Food Therapy
  • Ancient Doctors and Midwives

4. Eastern Medicine Diagnostic Tools

  • The Ren and Du Channels
  • Tongue, Pulse and Ear Diagnoses
  • Keeping Kidney Channels Warm
  • Keeping Head Points Closed

Unit 2

Understand the important concepts of Hot and Cold in Eastern Medicine: avoiding Cold and the Wind, and using Warming herbs, foods, and formulas for postpartum health.

1. Different Birthing Methods

  • Hospital Birth vs. Home Birth
  • Ice Therapy
  • What is Cord Blood?
  • What is Vernix Caseosa (Vernix)?

2. Eastern Medicine’s View of Cold and Wind

  • Cold Signs in Women and Newborns
  • What are Thief Sweating / Night Sweating and Cold Sweats?
  • Cold and Vaginal Blood
  • What are Cold Property Foods?

3. Confinement Food to Warm the Body

  • Overview of Herbs for Postpartum Recovery
  • Herbs that Warm Interior and Expel Cold
  • Herbs that Regulate the Blood and Stop Bleeding
  • Herbs that Tonify the Qi
  • Herbs that Tonify the Blood

4. Herbal Medicines for the Postnatal Body

  • Formulas Designed with Jun, Chen, Zuo, Shi (Master Herbs, Advisor Herbs, Solider Herbs, and Guiding Herbs)
  • Sheng Hua Tang (Dissolving Clots Decoction)
  • Si Wu Tang (Four Substance Decoction)
  • Ba Zhen Tang (Eight Treasure Decoction)
  • Shi Quan Da Bu Tang (Ten Completed Decoction)
  • Importance of Ren Shen Yue Nei

Unit 3

Learn the science behind changes to the female body after delivery, and how one can use Eastern Medicine to preserve their energy and age with grace.

1. The Science of the Mother’s Body

  • Back Contraction vs. Front Contraction
  • What is a Breech Baby?
  • Types of Pelvic Floor Organ Prolapse

2. Breast/Chest Milk and Hormonal Change

  • What are Prolactin and Oxytocin?
  • Milk Duct Anatomy and Engorgement Pain
  • Helping Transgender Patients
  • Viscosity of Human Chest Milk
  • Best Nursing Position to Avoid Joints Pain

3. Eastern Medicine's View on Women’s Aging

  • A Woman's Lifecycle
  • What is Tian Gui (Period Blood)?
  • Period and Energy Flow

4. The Significance of the Liver in Eastern Medicine

  • Basic Chinese Classifiers and the Channels System
  • What is the Liver Organ in Eastern Medicine?
  • What are Liver Functions in Eastern Medicine?
  • What is Liver Qi in Eastern Medicine?
  • What is Liver Blood in Eatsern Medicine?
  • How to Preserve Your Energy and Age Gracefully
Badge that reads NCCAOM Professional Development Activity

This is an approved professional development activity by the National Certification Commision for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Students are eligible to receive credits toward recertification requirements.

Meet your guide to postpartum health.

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