Treatments from the inside out.

LiLi helps birthing parents recover from childbirth at home through a program rooted in Eastern Medicine concepts, either virtually or at your home in the New York City area.


Here’s how LiLi can help you

A photo of a stack of hand towels

We bring everything you need to you, so you can recover in the comfort of your own home.

Home-based care

Our clinicians explore your unique concerns and tailor treatments to your healing needs.

Personalized regimen

A photo of various dried herbs in a bowl

LiLi complements support from your physician and other caregivers for truly integrated care.

Holistic approach

A photo of herbs, tinctures, and other holistic health remedies.

Here’s how we approach postpartum health.

Postnatal Acupuncture


Acupuncture can support recovery after childbirth by offering physical and emotional support. It allows serotonin to be released into the blood, helping to combat stress and stabilize mood. In addition, this time-proven practice can help address other postpartum symptoms, including fatigue, inconsistent sleeping patterns, and postpartum depression and anxiety.

Postnatal Acupuncture
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Postnatal Abdominal Binding


After birth, it is critical to support the organs of the pelvic floor, including the bladder, uterus, vagina, small intestine, and rectum. Abdominal binding helps reshape the abdomen to its original size and prevents internal organs from dropping toward the pubic area. Hip binding narrows the hips, expand during pregnancy as the baby grows in the uterus. Binding materials can also be purchased and delivered to patients separately with instruction on proper use.

Postnatal Abdominal Binding
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Postnatal Nutrition


In the Eastern tradition of nutrition, foods are grouped into hot and cold properties based upon how they change the body's internal constitution. Following childbirth, birthing parents should stay away from foods with cold properties, as they can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, cold hands and feet, and a cold lower abdomen. In collaboration with our partners at Chen Mommy Kitchen, we provide a postpartum meal program for our patients in confinement, designed to support recovery, promote urination, alleviate edema, and increase breast milk viscosity.

Postnatal Nutrition
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Herbal Tonics & Formulas


During confinement, we prepare traditional herbal formulas over four distinct stages to warm up the uterus, boost milk production, and improve the body’s constitution. Herbal tonics can also be purchased and delivered to patients separately with instruction on proper use.

Herbal Tonics & Formulas
Sheng Hua Tang

生化湯 · Generating and Transforming Decoction

Si Wu Tang

四物湯 · Four Substance Decoction

Ba Zhen Tang

八珍湯 · Eight Treasure Decoction

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang

十全大補湯 · Perfect Ten Tonifying Formula

Herbal Foot Soaking


In the words of herbalist Dr. Roger Tsao: “Warm feet are a secret to longevity.” The acupuncture meridian for the kidney begins at the feet. We soak the birthing parent’s feet in a heated tonic made from herbs such as Mugwort, which are known to increase blood circulation, improve sleep quality, and strengthen one’s immunity.

Herbal Foot Soaking
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Confinement with Your Newborn


We advise parents on how to best care for their baby during the confinement period. Topics include the prevention of colic in babies, nutritional advice to promote optimal chest milk and facilitate good digestion, and techniques to help the baby sleep for longer periods at night.

Confinement with Your Newborn
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Your roadmap to postpartum wellness.

We’re here for you. From your last trimester in pregnancy to your so-called “fourth trimester” in recovery, LiLi accompanies you for every step of your postpartum healing journey.


Meet your provider over two prenatal in-office appointments.

A photo of an Eastern Medicine doctor's clinic

Postpartum recovery can be a vulnerable time. Our in-person meetings at around 34-38 weeks of pregnancy help us get to know each other. We’ll discuss your medical conditions, your emotional state, your life at home, and any additional context that helps us better support you. Arrangements can also be made if you are already past 38 weeks.


Prepare your home for your provider’s postpartum visits.

A photo of a man in a wheelchair, washing items in a kitchen sink

We ask that our patients ready their space at home for postpartum treatments. You’ll receive your abdominal binders and medicinal herbs at this time. Pots, towels, and food storage containers should be on hand for the preparation of herbal soaks and soups.


After delivery, receive your treatment in the comfort of your own home.

A photo of a woman wearing a mask, lying down in a towel ready to receive treatment

Your LiLi provider will care for you over four or more at-home sessions. During this time, we provide several treatments, including acupuncture to relieve pain and restore hormonal balance, abdomen binding to return your pelvis to its pre-pregnancy state, herbal foot soaks to expel coldness from the body, massage to prevent mastitis or milk duct blockages, and herbal tonic preparation to support your nutritional recovery.


Here’s how LiLi can help you

Photo of a pillow

“Adherence to ‘Doing-the-month’ practices is associated with fewer physical and depressive symptoms among postpartum women in Taiwan,” Research in Nursing & Health

Confinement treats postpartum mental and physical conditions

“Acupoint-tuina therapy promotes lactation in postpartum women with insufficient milk production who underwent caesarean sections,” Journal of Physics

Tuina massage therapy helps significantly boost milk production.

Photo of a milk bottle

“Pelvic-sacral tendon-regulation needling technique of acupuncture combined with manipulative reduction in treatment of postpartum pelvic girdle pain,” Zhongguo Zhen Jiu

Acupuncture combined with physical therapy relieves pelvic pain.

Image of the pelvic bone

Real results from real birthing parents

LiLi Care - star-background

Lily supported Lucia, Ron and me in every way possible way! It was one of the hardest things I've ever done and yet after the 26 days were over, I had a deep longing to be back in confinement...only having self care and baby care on the agenda.

Melissa L (New York)

Lily was a fantastic source of information and guidance during our pregnancy and postpartum journey. As a first time mother I was very worried about the risk of postpartum depression also the recovery period after delivering a baby. With Lily's help and the healing process of TCM postpartum care I was able to avoid feeling overwhelmed and instead could focus on nourishing my body...I could not imagine recovering any other way!

Lina G (Miami)

Still have questions?
We have answers.

If my confinement period has passed and I would like to have your postpartum care, but I can’t do house calls, can I come to your office for treatment?


Yes, in this case, office acupuncture treatments are ideal. Acupuncture and massage treatments can be beneficial to birthing parents, helping to restore balance to your hormones as well as address symptoms of postpartum depression.

How long is the treatment?


The first home treatment visit is around three hours. All following treatments last around two hours. Please request a sample contract for more details.

Do you accept insurance?


Unfortunately, insurance companies currently do not cover postpartum care at home. However, if you receive prenatal or postnatal office treatments, and you have out-of-network acupuncture coverage, we will email you insurance claim forms. Once you meet your deductible, your insurance company will reimburse you. The refunded amount depends on your plan.

If my confinement period has passed can you do binders on me in your office?


Unfortunately, no. The abdomen and hip binders are meant to be bound at home. The abdomen binders allow you to have more support on your spine, but we urge you to move as little as possible during this time. Movement can cause the binders to shift their position, which can lead to undesired outcomes.

Do I need to hire someone to watch my newborn for the duration of the house call treatments?


The actual treatment (needling) time requires about 45 minutes away from your child. You will need to have someone watch your newborn, and to care for anything (or anyone) else that requires attention in your household. The goal is to ensure your environment is as relaxing and stress-free as possible during treatment.


Find the treatment plan that
works for you.

Virtual Package


Comprehensive patient intake session


Our first in-person meeting will help us get to know each other and provide us with the context necessary to guide your healing.

Postnatal telehealth consultation


Your LiLi provider will guide you through the recovery process, outlining best practices for herbal tonics, nutrition, and abdominal binding to ensure optimal recovery.

Personalized lifestyle plan


Your LiLi provider will develop a recovery plan tailored to your specific concerns and needs. Manage your health conditions and achieve your postpartum goals.

Unlimited email support


Tired of waiting for an answer? Contact a LiLi provider, without the need of a waiting room or appointment.



Comprehensive patient intake session


Our first in-person meeting will help us get to know each other and provide us with the context necessary to guide your healing.

4 in-home visits with partner doctor


Your LiLi provider will visit your home over four 2-3 hour sessions. During these visits, your partner doctor will support you through Tui Na massage, acupuncture, abdominal binding, foot soaks, and herbal tonic and dessert preparation.

Personalized lifestyle plan


Your LiLi provider will develop a recovery plan tailored to your specific concerns and needs. Manage your health conditions and achieve your postpartum goals.

Unlimited email support


Tired of waiting for an answer? Contact a LiLi provider, without the need of a waiting room or appointment.



Comprehensive patient intake session


Our first in-person meeting will help us get to know each other and provide us with the context necessary to guide your healing.

4 in-home visits with Dr. Lily Yeh


LiLi co-founder Dr. Lily Yeh will visit your home over four 2-3 hour sessions. During these visits, she will support you through Tui Na massage, acupuncture, abdominal binding, foot soaks, and herbal tonic and dessert preparation.

Personalized lifestyle plan


LiLi co-founder Dr. Lily Yeh will develop a recovery plan tailored to your specific concerns and needs. Manage your health conditions and achieve your postpartum goals.

Unlimited email support


Tired of waiting for an answer? Contact a LiLi provider, without the need of a waiting room or appointment.



Comprehensive patient intake session


Our first in-person meeting will help us get to know each other and provide us with the context necessary to guide your healing.

6 in-home visits with Dr. Lily Yeh


LiLi co-founder Dr. Lily Yeh will visit your home over six 2-3 hour sessions. During these visits, she will support you through Tui Na massage, acupuncture, abdominal binding, foot soaks, and herbal tonic and dessert preparation.

Personalized lifestyle plan


LiLi co-founder Dr. Lily Yeh will develop a recovery plan tailored to your specific concerns and needs. Manage your health conditions and achieve your postpartum goals.

Unlimited email support


Tired of waiting for an answer? Contact a LiLi provider, without the need of a waiting room or appointment.


Based internationally? Contact us directly to schedule your call.